24. oktober 2011


Went to their concert yesterday. It was held in a small (2000 people) hall. There were two supporting acts, which happens rarely, but Hurts  has only one album so they had to do something to make the whole thing last more than an hour.  Both supporting acts were ok, but nothing special.  
So finally after an hour and a half, Hurts steps into the spot light. For those who don’t know, they are a duo from Manchester and they play synth pop music. They created a band in 2005 with some friends; they got quite recognizable and released a few singles. But after a certain disastrous showcase in London, Theo and Adam went back to Manchester and recorded “Unspoken” and realized that this is the sound they want to develop. So in 2009 the band split up and Hurts was born.
Their album Happiness is full of not so happy love songs. But the thing I love most about them is that they sound young, fresh and full of energy. And that’s the exact impression I got on the concert. I have to admit though that I was a little disappointed with Theo’s singing. He did fell a bit short in some parts and the backup singers helped him a lot. It got better when he sang “Affair” with Adam on the guitar. They finished with energized “Stay” and left us with a smile on our faces.
Overall it was a great show. I loved the atmosphere they created in which I was able to lose myself for an hour and a half.

Here's a good enough video from yesterday:

22. oktober 2011

Looking forward to…

…a lot of good movies in the next three months. Of course only if we pretend that we’re in America and don’t have to wait for the movies to come to us.

In October we have:

In Time with Justin Timberlake and the beautiful Olivia Wilde (who I got to know in House M.D.). The trailer convinced me, although the plot is that people stop aging at 25 and must work to buy themselves more time. So we’re gonna see A LOT of beautiful young people. But I was so impressed with Timberlake in The Social Network that I’m definitely gonna watch this. (I may not be the best critic ‘cause I often watch movies just because I l o v e the leading actor/actress J ).

The Rum Diary includes one of my favorite actors and one of my favorite drinks. Johnny Depp and Rum of course. It’s been a while since I’ve seen him in a strangely normal role (did not watch the Tourist ‘cause it seemed to regular). This one looks a bit more promising with a pinch of humor. He plays an American journalist in Pueto Rico during the 1950s.

November brings us:

Al Pacino, who I haven’t seen for awhile, Channing Tatum, Ray Liotta, Juliette Binoche and unfortunately Katie Holmes, who should stay in Dawson’s Creek in my opinion in a decent enough thriller The Son of No One. Here’s the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuVwb9nLZ20

Now, get ready! This is a big one! The combination of these two artistes just gives me goose bumps. Director Clint Eastwood and Leonardo DiCaprio in the leading role as J.Edgar Hoover, with the simple title J. Edgar. Enough said!

Melancholia with Kirsten Dunst, who I am really fond of and the director Lars von Tier. To be honest I’m not sure I’m gonna see this. The Tier’s Antichrist was a bit too much for me, although I could not stop talking about that movie for weeks. The Melancholia trailer is a bit too theatrical for me in sense of a lot of very slow motion scenes and slow flow of the movie. Ok, the plot: Two sisters find their already strained relationship challenged as a mysterious new planet threatens to collide into the Earth. Yeah, I’m not so sure about this whole planet thing. This one boggles me.

A Dangerous Method shows us how the intense relationship between Carl Yung and Sigmund Freud gives birth to psychoanalysis. The story alone is just to interesting not to see this one. Keira Knightley and Viggo Mortensen just make everything even simpler.

In December

Meryl Streep will once again grace us with her performance in The Iron Lady, a movie about Margaret Thatcher with a focus on the price she paid for power.

I know that’s only six movies in three months, but it seems like they are THE movies. It’s been a long dry season in our theatres (the last thing I saw was Harry Potter, which is brilliant by the way!) but hopefully it will end with strong good-movie showers!

Till next time, movie lovers!


Everyone has his/hers happy place. When something goes wrong or your mind is controlled by dark thoughts, many of us go to our happy place. I am introducing you to my happy place. It’s called Internet Movie Data Base a.k.a. imdb.com. It’s everything I could possibly dream of. Loads and loads of movie info, news, trailers, biographies, trivia, personal quotes, pictures and more importantly endless list of movies which are just waiting to be seen.
You might think I’m a bit coo coo and you are probably right, but I found the thing that I was lacking. And that is… wait for it… passion!

So this is it! My new blog. A little less whining and a little more movies, TV shows, music, concerts, video clips, books and maybe something in between.
You are most welcome to comment, agree, disagree, whatever gets your tits in a twist.

Über excited!